Bicycle Resources

WMPO Bicycle Suitability Map

This map ranks scores roads in the Wilmington Area to rank their bicycle friendliness.

Cross City Trail

The Gary Shell Cross-City Trail is a 15 mile off-road, multi-use trail that runs from Wade Park, through Halyburton Park and Empie Park to the Heide-Trask Drawbridge at the Intercoastal Waterway. The trail provides bicycle and pedestrian access to numerous recreational, cultural, and educational destinations in Wilmington.


River to Sea Bikeway

The River to the Sea Bikeway is an 11-mile, primarily on-road, bicycle route that follows the Historic Beach Car Line, which years ago carried vacationers from downtown Wilmington to Wrightsville Beach by trolley. View a Story Map tour of the bikeway made by the City of Wilmington. Also, view the WMPO’s Bicycle and Pedestrian webapp (parks and trails layer) for an interactive map of the route.


Bicycle and Pedestrian Infrastructure Map

In the WMPO region there are currently 815 miles of sidewalks, 60 miles of bike lanes, 53 miles of multi-use paths, and 5 miles of sharrow-marked roadways. This map also indicates current construction zones so you can plan your next ride accordingly. To report any issues on biking and walking paths like overgrown vegetation or broken pavement please send us a message.

Wilmington Urban Area "Bike There" Map

Our “Bike There” Map shows destinations throughout the region that are safely accessible by bicycle. The list includes restaurants, parks, shopping centers, museums, and more.

Island Greenway (Carolina Beach)

This route provides a safe and convenient off-street pedestrian and bicycle connection between the rapidly developing Wilmington Beach area and central neighborhoods to the north, CB Elementary School, Lake Park, and the central business district. The project is identified as a priority in the 2011 CB Bicycle Multi-Use Plan, and also noted as a priority in Cape Fear Commutes 2035 Plan and Wilmington New Hanover Greenway Plan.

Cape Fear Cyclists

The Cape Fear Cyclists are a local group of bicyclists that organizes rides, advocates for infrastructure and policy improvement, and promotes safety and education.

Bicycle Suitability Map

This map ranks roads in the Wilmington Area for ease of bicycling.